How does running 100 miles help curtail Veteran suicide? 

This is a great question I was asked early on and I did not have a comprehensive answer for it. I still do not. When the idea came to me it was in part due to the impotence I felt at addressing the problem. If there was a single solution, we would have implemented it by now and the need for this event would be null. This event is like the planting of a seed. We are not sure how tall our plant will grow or how much fruit it will produce, but by planting the seed we are making an effort to grow something meaningful. With care and investment, our efforts will yield quantifiable results that directly help those who need it most. 

The more obvious goal of this event is to raise awareness of the issue. I have found myself talking more and more to citizens and Veterans alike, and very few are aware of the staggering loss of life that Veteran suicides represent. The first step in Kotter's 8-Step Change Model is to Create Urgency. There is not enough urgency about this issue, especially here in Maine. This event will work with various communication outlets to share facts and let people know this is an issue needing a response. When I share facts with people I speak with, they are shocked and moved to get involved. Through spreading the message, we will inspire people to get involved, and each person brings us closer to meaningful interventions that save lives. 

Can non-Veterans run in this event?

At this time, our goal is to have Veterans run the event. That said, it is not closed to friends, family members, Gold Star Families, or others inspired to get involved. We may prioritize Veteran runners if the volunteer list is too lengthy, but we will find ways for everyone to be included and contribute. In the fortunate event we are overwhelmed with volunteer runners, The 2200 will host another event, larger in scale but shorter in mileage to be fully inclusive. We will look to make the event annual, and even expand to other states if the concept proves successful.

Is The 2200 a nonprofit or not-for-profit organization?  

The 2200 is not currently registered as a 501(c)(3) organization. The registration requirements are currently being explored and an application for the appropriate status is expected before the end of the year. It is 100% a nonprofit organization however. We are looking to affect change, not pursue personal gain. All individuals involved have altruistic and deeply personal motivations. 

Why run 100 miles? Isn't a 5K more reasonable?

Yes, a 5K, 10K, half-marathon, or marathon are all easier and more reasonable. Veterans do not do easy, and tackling this problem is not easy. The event, in order to be meaningful needs to reach and inspire people. Although we all love good 5K runs, we need to do something unique and borderline absurd. A 100 mile event may be over the top, but it is achievable. It is certain to gain attention and it has the best chance to make a difference. The symbolic use of 22 Veterans is also on point. This statistic is likely an under estimate, but it is a recognizable and accepted statistic at this time. 

The challenge of a 100 mile run is also symbolic. We cannot ever fully understand the challenges our fellow Veterans face as they are contemplating ending their own lives. We cannot create a challenge that mimics their suffering and pain. This challenge is designed to push our runners to their limits and beyond. Perhaps by showing that average men and women can achieve what should be impossible, we will inspire a Veteran in need of a lifeline. Perhaps we can encourage, through our resolve, even a single Veteran to hold on a little longer, or to reach out to a friend when in crisis. 

Finally, our goal is to save lives. This task is not easy and cannot be accomplished without sacrifice. Our runners are willing to sacrifice for their fellow Veterans and will demonstrate this willingness by completing a super-human feat. 

I am not a Veteran or a runner but I want to get involved, what can I do?

Reach out to us, we are in need of all people and all skill sets. Everything from assisting with web design, social media communications, fund raising, art, recruiting, research and outreach. We need everyone to get involved and help move this event and our greater goals forward. Please do not hesitate to Contact Us if you are moved to get involved.