THE 2200

22 Veterans 

100 miles

1 message of hope

On an average day in the United States, 22 service members, inactive Guardsmen, Reservists, and Veterans die by suicide (VA Suicide Data Report). These men and women took an oath to faithfully serve this great nation, they fulfilled their oaths and served with honor. Now, as many of them struggle with mental illness, addiction, homelessness, grief, and despair, they need our service. Through our actions, we can move the needle on Veteran suicide and save lives every day. 

The 2200 is a simple project aimed at raising awareness and opening dialogue. Only through dialogue can we eliminate the stigma surrounding Veteran suicide and discuss the very real struggles our Veterans are facing every day. We can no longer shy away from uncomfortable talks, awkward interactions, or our own fear. We must face this enemy directly, with love and compassion. 

The 2200 is a one-day event. On Veteran's Day, we plan to demonstrate that 22 Veterans can face the seemingly impossible and not quit. They will each run (walk or crawl) 100 miles. This event is not a fundraiser. It is not a race. It is a demonstration of resolve through support. It is entirely aimed at getting people to talk about the elephant in the room, the preventable loss of Veteran lives. See Event Details here.  

These Veterans, like those in our communities, cannot complete this task alone. Families, friends, and perfect strangers from the community will provide aid and support during the ordeal. This support, freely and sincerely offered, is exactly what our Veterans need while in crisis. They need to know that they are not alone. They need to know that those around them will lend an ear or a hand. They need to know someone is there for them and will help them if they can just hang on for one more minute, one more hour, one more day. 

As our 22 Veteran runners will not give up, neither will their supporters. We are all in this event for the duration, however long that takes. 

We are especially eager to build our roster of runners, so reach out today and commit to a challenge certain to test your limits with your fellow veterans. Contact Us here. 
